a new model for employee engagement

In the restorative era of work

we are all Founders

We are creating the world’s most engaged workforce for good. We are a distributed + async team working across every time zone on Earth to build the restorative era of work.


how we work

The restorative model for work


We all want to be a part of something meaningful. It’s in our DNA as humans to work and find our purpose. The key is bringing people together because they have a shared core belief in something and are deeply excited and inspired by what they are doing. What if each of us were free to find our own purpose, with wild abandon? Imagine a job, a company that believed so much in your potential, that it gave you the freedom to find your unique way to contribute to the mission.


We are safe to be all that we are without judgement or fear. You are free to discover your own purpose, in an environment with like-minded people on a quest to change work for good. People working to prove that we are most engaged in our work when we determine what our work is, and what it means to us.


The freedom to work when and where you want. Your time is 100% yours and you choose what you do, when, who you work with, and how.


When you want to change the world, the most powerful thing that can happen is for someone to believe in you. To believe that you can change the world. We believe that each of us has something truly unique to offer the world, and that the world needs our gifts. There are no bosses here. There are also no structures or systems of power to oppress or exploit humans or the planet. Instead of a leader, or a boss, or a manager—we are all partners to each other. We guide and support and partner, and each of us chooses who fills this role in our life within the community—or outside of it.


This one is a simple idea—contribute and share with others means that you have the freedom, resources, and support to share your unique gifts with the world, in whatever way lights you on fire to be alive. And we believe that the world needs your unique gifts.

Join us. We’ve been waiting for you.

We’re Earth’s first distributed organization building the restorative era of work and creating the world’s most engaged workforce for good. We believe that the era of optimizing humans and the planet for profit has ended. The things that get in the way of people doing their life’s work are the systems and structures put in place in organizations to control, monitor, measure, and optimize the output of humans. The mushroom chair eliminates all of them. We are at pre-seed funding stage, working to expand beyond our first Founders in 2024.