a new model for employee engagement

the restorative era of work has arrived


We’re building a new model for work—one that gives us the permission and tools to restore our relationship with ourselves and the planet. The restorative era of work is here.

your time is 100% yours

We believe the most selfless thing you can do is figure out who you are, and what your unique gifts to the world are.

The amount of stimulation we live with is enough to numb out our ability to really feel and listen. Feeling and listening is the first step.

That’s why the first piece of the mushroom chair is that your time is your own—100%. Forever. No meetings, no schedule, no status reports. Your time is 100% yours and you have no job description. You choose what you do, when, who you work with, and how. We are a distributed team and always will be.

reconnect with earth & sky

Restoring our connection to the environment in which we live, and the magic that it contains, is essential to the mushroom chair.

Part of the joy of living is in the deep connection we have to other living organisms on our planet. The rediscovery of this joy can feel like returning to childhood and we believe can lead to incredible innovation and advancements to end human suffering.

Part of the restorative model is to invest time and energy into deepening your connection to the planet, in whatever way feels right to you.

contribute & share with others

This one is a simple idea—contribute and share with others means that you have the freedom, resources, and support to share your unique gifts with the world, in whatever way lights you on fire to be alive. And we believe that the world needs your unique gifts.

We believe that each of us has something truly unique to offer the world. We also believe that it’s impossible for a for-profit company to define your purpose for you. It has to come from within, and it takes time to discover. What you have been paid for over your career, may not be what you are passionate about. the mushroom chair gives you the ability to find your passion. No matter how long it takes.

We’d love you to join us.

We’re Earth’s first distributed organization building the restorative era of work and creating the world’s most engaged workforce for good. We believe that the era of optimizing humans and the planet for profit has ended. The things that get in the way of people doing their life’s work are the systems and structures put in place in organizations to control, monitor, measure, and optimize the output of humans. The mushroom chair eliminates all of them. We are at pre-seed funding stage, working to expand beyond our first Founders in 2024.